


February 2025

During the month of February 2025 Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin is showing photographical work by the artists:

Doris Frohnapfel - Germany
Shoko Nakamura - Japan

Saturday-1st February 2025 - 4pm to 8 pm

During February 2025:
After the Opening the exhibition will be accessible only by appointment

Info Gallery +49 151 5324 6571
Artist +49 162 7029 227


The term 'Genius Loci' is an ancient Roman belief and indicates that everything has its 'genius' its guardian spirit. This spirit gives life to people and material places both physically and spiritually. Genius Loci is also understood as the prevailing character or atmosphere of a place,whether an awe-inspiring building or the beauty of a land- or seascapeas well as it can transmit a protective spirit of a place and a sense of belonging

Doris Frohnapfel shows in her photographical work 'Wittgenstein in Norway' the places the Austrian Philosopher lived during his stay in Norway to write his 'Tractatus Logico-philosophicus’.

Shoko Nakamura shows in her photographical work 'the moment' places of memory during her stay in Germany and Japan.


Der Begriff 'Genius Loci' ist ein antiker römischer Glaube und bedeutet, dass alles seinen 'Genius' hat, seinen Schutzgeist. Dieser Geist verleiht sowohl den Menschen als auch den materiellen Orten Leben, sowohl körperlich als auch spirituell. Genius Loci wird auch als der vorherrschende Charakter oder die Atmosphäre eines Ortes verstanden, sei es ein ehrfurchtgebietendes Gebäude oder die Schönheit einer Land- oder Meereslandschaft wobei er auch den schützenden Geist und ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit vermitteln kann.

Doris Frohnapfel zeigt in ihrer fotografischen Arbeit 'Wittgenstein in Norwegen' die Orte, an denen der österreichische Philosoph während seines Aufenthalts in Norwegen lebte um seinen 'Tractatus Logico-philosophicus' zu schreiben.

Shoko Nakamura zeigt in ihrer fotografischen Arbeit 'the moment' Orte der Erinnerung während ihres Aufenthalts in Deutschland und Japan.



Past Exhibitions


December 2024

Opening: Friday - 13. December- 2 pm to 6 pm

The December exhibition 'aaahwoooemmm' at Gallery UNO Berlin features five female Korean artists based in Berlin. 'aaahwoooemmm', derived from the cosmic term 'Om', symbolizes cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction, while also being a sequence of meaningless syllables. Each artist interprets this in their own lowercase manner, presenting a humble record akin to thought experiments within their repetitive actions.

Each of the five artists uses individual motifs as starting points, building, repeating, and varying them to evoke spatial engagement with audiences.

Artists: Jaehee Choi, Hounyeh Kim, Eunjung Kwak, Dahm Lee, Kui Soon Park

Duration : December 2024/January 2025


21. - 26. October 2024
Rome Art Week at Artists Studio Rome

During Rome Art Week Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin is showing at their Artists Studio Rome works by their international artists presented recently at Gallery UNO Berlin:

Artists from USA:
Nikkole Huss/Chicago; Katharine Jost/Chicago; Uisuk Byeon/New York; Chris Reilly/Chicago (permanent display); Dianna Krueger/Chigago (permanent display)

Berlin Artists:
Friederike Hammann; Manfred Rueting; Hans Pfleiderer

Guest Artists:
Katarzyna Bak; Schirin Fatemi; Laura Grosso; Paola Romoli-Venturi


11-15 SEPTEMBER 2024

Gallery UNO exhibition during the Berlin Art Week

Installation by Nikkole Huss (Chicago)
Oil paintings by Katharine Jost (Chicago)
Photographical works by Friederike Hammann (Berlin)


28th to June 30th 2024

Gallery UNO presents a large scale installation by American Artist Nikkole Huss, Chicago.

The works by the Korean artist Uisuk Byeon are still on display. The Korean artist will be present during some of the special opening hours.




17th June to 26th June 2024

Layered Memory
Gallery UNO is showing the Solo exhibition by the Korean artist Uisuk Byeon based in the USA

Duration of the exhibition: May 17 to June 10, 2024

In Layered Memory, Uisuk Byeon is weaving together influences from both Eastern and Western cultures through a fusion of materials. The artist aims at capturing the multifaceted nature of memory and identity.



Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin shows pictures by Hans Pfleiderer, Berlin
and early works by Christian Rieben, Chicago.

Opening: Friday, May 17, 2024 6 pm to 9 pm.
The artist Hans Pfleiderer will be on site

Duration of the exhibition: May 17 to June 10, 2024






Gallery Weekend Berlin 26. - 28. April 2024.
Friederike Hammann - DARK DIARY -

DARK DIARY a war journal in 62 pages
Opening hours:
Friday, April 26: from 6 - 9 pm
Saturday, April 27: 12 am - 7 pm
Sunday, April 28: 12 am - 7 pm
Artists of the international collection of Gallery Uno are still on display
The artist Friederike Hammann will be present on Friday, 26 April

DARK DIARY ein Kriegstagebuch in momentan 62 Seiten
Freitag 26.04.: 18 - 21 Uhr
Die Künstlerin Friederike Hammann ist vor Ort
Sa 27.04. / So 28.04.: 12 - 19 Uhr



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Kunsthandlung Hubert &Treff, Jena in cooperation with Artexhibitionlink presents the exhibition: Dialog Concret Art with the artists Yvette Kaiser-Smith, Chicago and Rober Krainhöfner, Jena.

1924, vor 100 Jahren, prägte Theo van Doesburg den Begriff der „Konkreten Kunst“. Er schlug als konsequente Weiterentwicklung von Abstraktion und Konstruktivismus vor, die Kunst gänzlich von der Abbildung der dinglichen Welt zu befreien und nur ideelle Inhalte ins Zentrum der Kunst zu stellen. So könne die ästhetische Wirkung der Kunstwerke klarer und unmittelbarer die Betrachter erreichen. Viele Künstlerpersönlichkeiten sind seinen Ideen gefolgt, so auch Yvette Kaiser-Smith und Robert Krainhöfner.

Ausstellungsdauer: 8.3. bis 27.4. 2024

Kunsthandlung Huber & Treff

Charlottenstraße 19 D-07749 Jena

Phone: +49(0)3641 442829



Öffnungszeiten Mo: 10-13, Do+Fr:15-18, Sa: 10-15 sowie gern nach Vereinbarung



Januar 2024 - April 2024
Exhibition of the Gallery-UNO Berlin Collection

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin zeigt in den kommenden Monaten Arbeiten internationaler Künstler aus der eigenen Sammlung.

Die Ausstellungen der Sammlung können nur nach Vereinbarung besucht werden.


15 Dicembre 2023
RAW ART NIGHT all´Artists Studio Rome: Chris Reilly - 'Fool's Gold / Polyamory'

L'Artists Studio Rome di Artexhibitionlink parteciperà alla Rome Art Night con la preview della mostra dell'artista americano Chris Reilly - 'Fool's Gold / Polyamory' che sarà esposta alla Gallery UNO Projektraum di Berlino nel 2024.


23-28 Ottobre 2023
ROME ART WEEK all´Artists Studio Rome

Nikkole Huss (Chicago), Deanna Krüger (Chicago), Elvira Martos (Siviglia), Antonio Virzì (Roma), Prisca Baccaille (Roma), Paola Romoli-Venturi (Roma), Max Serradifalco (Palermo)

Durante RAW 2023 l‘Artists Studio Rome esporrà le opere degli artisti che collaborano con la Galleria UNO di Berlino e degli artisti italiani ospiti dell´Artists Studio


23. June - 25. June
Gallery UNO takes part in the 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival with a group of international and local artists

Paola Romoli Venturi, Rome / Nikole Huss, Chicago / Anna Wenning, Berlin / Katarzyna Bak, Rome / Prisca Baccaille, Rome / Elvira Martos, Seville


28th April - 30th April 2023
Gallery Weekend Berlin:
Anna Wenning - Elvira Martos

During the Gallery Weekend Berlin at Gallery UNO. Works by the artist Anna Wenning (Berlin) and by Elvira Martos (Spain) artworks from the project FUNAMBULISMO which the artist started this year in Delhi during an artist residency at ONKAF gallery.


21. APRIL 2023
RAW ART NIGHT at Artists Studio Rome


The project is inspired by the concepts of doubt between reality, truth, appearance, illusion, expressed between ancient and modern, in the lines of time, in the fragile sense of history.


16. December 2022
RAW ART NIGHT at Artists Studio Rome

Nel fruscio delle foglie (In the rustle of leaves)

Artist Prisca Baccaille's project for an exhibition at Gallery UNO in Berlin in 2023. The current pictorial production focuses on the relationship between intention and randomness. The aim of the work is to find a balance between the artist's intention and the random legacies of painting. Through daily layers of colour, painting grows, settles, builds: in its progress it reveals unpredictable behaviour, discoveries to adapt to, deviations to follow.

November 2022 - April 2022
Exhibition of the Gallery-UNO Berlin Collection

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin zeigt in den kommenden Monaten Arbeiten internationaler Künstler aus der eigenen Sammlung

Die Ausstellungen der Sammlung können nach Vereinbarung besucht werden.

Während der Monate November 2022 bis April 2023 kann die Galerie auch von Künstler und Kuratoren die nicht mit der Galerie zusammen arbeiten gemietet werden.

24. - 29. October 2022
Rome Art Week at Artists Studio Rome

Exhibition of international artists from Berlin‘s Gallery UNO and artists based in Italy on the Rome Art Week 2022 at Artists Studio Rome 

Antonia Lange (Berlin), Anna Wenning (Berlin), Markus Kohn (Berlin), Nikkole Huss (Chicago), Deanna Krueger (Chicago), Giuseppe Barone, Luca Impinto, Katarzyna Bak


Berlin Art Week / 14. - 18. September 2022
Katarzyna Bak: TRACES

After Showing the Serie  'Traces' 1 at Gallery UNO Artists Studio Rome during Rome Art Week in October 2021, the artist Katarzyna Bak based in Rome presents 'Traces' 2 at Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin during Berlin Art Week in September 2022. 
The artist examines the gesture that results from the interweaving of vision and movement, of thought and action, and is shown as embodied expressiveness on canvas

Part of the exhibition will be still the installation by Nikkole Huss, USA and works by the Berlin artists:
Anna Wenning / Markus Kohn / Friederike Hammann

Special Opening Times during Berlin Art Week: Wednesday  - 14. Sept. to Sunday 18. Sept.

Festival 48 Std. Berlin - Neukölln 2022

June - August 2022
The immersive installation BENEATH THE SURFACE by Nikkole Huss, is inspired by overwhelming feelings of isolation due to the global pandemic. The site-specific, fiber installation consists of hand-painted, stretched silk circles that continuously spin while suspended from the ceiling at various heights.
Simultaneously with the installation, Gallery UNO shows works by artists from the gallery's collection:

  • Claus Haensel, Bremen The dog handler (painting)
  • Deanna Kruger, Chicago Lake Michigan (installation/sculpture)
  • Giulia Ripandelli, Artists Studio Rome Germogli di Vento - Video
  • Paola Romoli-Venturi, Artists Studio Rome Non riesco a tornare a casa - Video
  • Paintings & Prints by Antonia Lange, Berlin

Gallery UNO shows works by the artists Anita Kontrec (Zagreb) and Anna Wenning (Berlin).

Duration: 9 April - Sunday 8 May 2022
Works from the project HOUSES & DREAMS on the theme of migration, loss of home and the search for a new personal and cultural identity

Blaues Wunder
Roland Kulla (Chicago)
Exhibition January-March 2022, Berlin

"Blaues Wunder" is the unofficial name of the Loschwitz Bridge, one of Dresden's bridges over the Elbe. The American artist Roland Kulla very successfully presented a series of paintings on it at the Artists Studio Rome for Rome Art Week in October 2021. Now Gallery UNO is showing these works in Berlin

Antonia Lange „18“
Ausstellung 05.12.21 - 05.01.2022

Antonia Lange ist eine 19-jährige Berlinerin, die ihr Leben leidenschaftlich der Kunst widmet. Bei ihren Kreationen konzentriert sich Antonia vor allem auf abstrahierte, figurative Malerei mit verschiedensten Medien. Sie bevorzugt Aquarell, Acryl und Edding auf Papier oder Leinwand.

Artists Studio Rome at Rome Art Week from 25th to 30th October 2021

Artists from Artexhibitionlink‘s Gallery UNO Berlin and Rome-based artists present their works at the Artists Studio Rome

Giulia Ripandelli, Angelo Colagrossi, Yvonne Ekman, Mauro Magni, Katarzyna Bak, Anna Wenning (Berlin), Nikkole Huss (Chicago)

More Information about the Artists Studio Rome at the Rome Art Week: https://romeartweek.com/it/strutture/?id=1189

Zur Berlin Art Week vom 15.09.2021 - 19.09.2021 zeigt Gallery UNO die Installation des Berliner Künstlers Markus Kohn

15. September bis November
Die Ausstellung „TO ROME“ zeigt eine Installation und eine Serie von Malereien. Sie bezieht sich auf eine geplante Reise nach Rom, die coronabedingt nicht stattgefunden hat.


Berlin June 18 - June 20
Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin participates in the Festival 48 Std. Berlin/Neukölln with the exhibition:

Patterns of Flight

Nikkole Huss, Chicago : ‚Into the Smog‘ - Installation
Anna Wenning, Berlin: ‚To blow up a Balloon‘ - Installation
Katarzyna Bak, Rome: ‚The eye of the Storm‘ - Paintings

Virtual Contribution: Francesca Fini, Rome: 
"The Reading, till the end of the world" augmented reality installation

Installation at Artists Studio Rome for IPER il Festival delle Periferie di Roma* 21/23 May 2021
at RIF Museo delle periferie a Tor Bella Monaca, directed by Giorgio de Finis

Virtual, real, performative, and sound installations by
Francesca Fini, Laura Mega, Paola Romoli Venturi, María Ángeles Vila Tortosa

Conceived by Paola Romoli Venturi
Borgo Pio, 125 Rome
4 windows on the facade of the Art Exhibition Link – Artists Studio Rome headquarters.

*IPER, Festival of the Suburbs in Rome

Energiemutation von Haci Sami Yaman

Haci Sami Yaman: Energietransformation, Energiemutation und Formation.
Ausstellung vom 03.05 - 22.05.2021

Haci Sami Yaman nutzt die Kunst um seine Gefühle einer bewegten Vergangenheit zu verarbeiten.

GALLERY UNO Galerie und Projektraum Berlin
Ausstellung vom 03.05 - 22.05.2021

Energiemutation von Haci Sami Yaman

Friederike Hammann: LICHT !
Ausstellung vom 20.03. - 10.04.2021

Licht ! ist die Lust auf einen Start in nächtliche Dunkelheit zu einem fernen Ziel, das wir erst in den frühen Morgenstunden erreichen werden.

GALLERY UNO Galerie und Projektraum Berlin
Ausstellung vom 20.03. - 10.04.2021

link auf Info zur 48 Std.

'Intention' Fotografien von Olaf Gross 15.02 bis 15.03.2021

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin präsentiert bis zum 15. März die Ausstellung von Olaf Gross unter Corona-Bedingungen:
Das Display ist beleuchtet und von aussen einsehbar

"Die Fotografe ist für mich kein Werkzeug zur Abbildung der Realitat, sondern eine Möglichkeit zur Umsetzung von Lichtenergie in visuelle Bewegung..." (Olaf Gross)

Öffnungszeiten nur auf Anfrage
TEL: 01577 87 88 365

link auf "Intention"

Pop-up Show 'Mysolation' in livestreaming at Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin by New York based photographer Eva Mueller

Duration: 3rd to 6th December 2020

MYSOLATION is a month-long series of self-portraits the artist took while isolating alone in her live-work studio in Brooklyn during the lockdown in April and May 2020

Simultaneously with her show, Eva Mueller and the Berlin based artist Richard Schemmerer will introduce the project ROID zine.

During the upcoming shows Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin will run the video of the performance artist Paola Romoli Venturi 'Non riesco a tornare a casa' - performed at Artexhibition's Artists Studio Rome. The video addresses the lockdown period in Rome.

link auf Info zur 48 Std.

RAW Rome Art Week dal 26 al 31 ottobre 2020

9th September - 13th September

Artexhibitionlink at Rome Art Week
Artexhibitionlinks’s Artists Studio Rome ha partecipato per la terza volta alla RAW Rome Art Week

Artisti dalla Artexhibitionlink‘s Gallery UNO di Berlino:
Friederike Hammann
Berlin - pittura,
Markus Kohn, Berlin - installazione/video
Roland Kulla, Chicago - pittura

Artisti con sede a Roma:
Katarzyna Bak - pittura
Paola Romoli Venturi - performance
Patrizia Simonetti - pittura

Video of the exhibition

Berlin Art Week 2020

9th September - 13th September

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin at Berlin Art Week with an exhibition by the artist Anna Wenning

Duration: 9th September to 31st October 2020

48 Std. Kunst Festival Berlin/Neukölln

June 19th to August 31st, 2020

'What goes up most come down'

Friederike Hammann, Berlin I Dzahid Filipovic, Berlin I Markus Kohn, Berlin

Gudrun Venter: Landscapes/Landschaftsbilder

January-March 2020

Depending on place and time, external influences, but also personal moods, the landscape changes.
Abhängig von Ort und Zeit, äußerlichen Einflüssen, aber auch von persönlichen Stimmungen, verändern sich Landschaften in den Werken von Gudrun Venter.

Jessica Slominski / Offene Ateliers Neukölln

17. November 2019

Die Offenen Ateliers sind ein Wochenende für Neuköllner Künstler*innen, die ihre Arbeiten und Produktionsstätten zeigen
Gallery UNO Projektraum zeigte eine Serie Landschaftsbilder von Jessica Slominski

Artexhibitonlink's Artists Studio Rome at RAW Rome Art Week 21st October to 26th October 2019

21.- 26. October 2019

Friederike Hamman and Dzahid Filipovic, Berlin
The artists are showing works from their exhibition 'Homo Ludens'/Brokers in Tears' at Gallery UNO.
Nikkole Huss
, USA: The artist shows drawings which were part of her installation 'Vanishing Landscapes' at Gallery UNO for the Art Festival 48 Std. Neukölln/Berlin in June 2019


Berlin Art Week

11.- 14.September 2019

During Berlin Art Week 11th - 15th September 2019 Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin shows a series of Jessica Slominski's landscape paintings in dialogue with the large scale installation 'Vanishing landscapes' by the American artist Nikkole Huss in occasion for Berlin Art Festival 48 Std. Neukölln June 2019.The exhibition will be on display until November 2019

Festival 48 Std. Berlin - Neukölln
15/16. June 2019 Nikkole Huss -USA- Vanishing Landscapes

26.- 29.April 2019

Gallery UNO Projektraum beteiligt sich seit 2013 offiziell am jährlichen 48 Std Kunstfestival 2019 Neukölln/Berlin.
Since 2013 Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin takes part officially in the annual Festival 48 Std. Neukölln/Berlin.

Zum diesjährigen Thema Futur lll - es geht um eine Zukunft, die retrospektiv vorausgesehen wird - hat die amerikanische Künstlerin Nikkole Huss eine grossräumige Installation für Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin geschaffen
For the theme of this year Futur lll - a future which is invisioned retrospectively - the American artist Nikkole Huss created a large scale installation for Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin

Rhythmic Stir  - Papierarbeiten - Chinatsu Ikeda (Japan

26.- 28.April 2019

Die Installation "Rythmic stir" der japanischen Künstlerin CHINATSU IKEDA ist die Weiterführung ihres im Januar begonnenen "work-in progress"-Prozesses. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Papierschnitten ist unter dem Einfluss der Arbeiten von Matisse entstanden und wird anlässlich des Gallery Weekends und der ofiziellen Berliner "paper positions" präsentiert.

Artexhibitionlink's Artists Studio Rome presents the exhibition "Omaggio alla Grecia"

29.- 30. March 2019

Exhibition of works by Laura Grosso, Anthony Lombardi, Chryssis Vici, Friederike Hammann, Dzahid Filipovic.
Short talk by Prof. Ivo Bomba, Introduction to greek poetry by Prof. Christos Bintoudis 

Chinatsu Ikeda "Work in progress"

07. Februar 2019

Die japanische Künstlerin CHINATSU IKEDA arbeitete im Monat Januar in der Gallery UNO an ihrer Installation. Das Publikum konnte in dieser Zeit den kreativen Prozess Tag für Tag "live" verfolgen. Die Ergebnisse wurden ab dem 07. Februar in den Räumen der Galery UNO präsentiert

Eröffnung des neuen Künstlerstudios im Centro Storico von Rom zur RAW Rome Art Week Im Oktober 2018
New Art Space 'Artexhibitionlink Artists Studio' in Rome opening for the RAW Rome Art Week

22. Oktober 2018

Der von Artexhibitionlink gesponserte Kunstraum befindet sich in einer privaten Bibliothek in einem römischen Gebäude des 17Jhr. und steht zeitgenössischen lokalen und internationalen Künstlern für Ausstellungsprojekte und kulturellen Initiativen zur Verfügung. Das ungewöhnliche Umfeld gibt Raum für einen faszinierenden Dialog aller Kunst und Kulturkreativitäten.

The Artspace is situated in a private library in a 17th century townhouse in the center of Rome and will host shows by contemporary local and international artists as well as cultural initiatives. The unusual setting creates a fascinating dialogue between all art and cultural events. Artists showing at Artexhibitionlink Artists Studio Rome during RAW Rome Art Week 22 - 27 October 2018: Simone Elsing, Berlin Laura Grosso, Rome, Markus Kohn, Berlin, Anthony Lombardi, USA, based in Rome, Hans Pfeiderer, Berlin, Chris Reilly, USA, Chryssis Vici, Rome. In addition to her own work the Italian artist Laura Grosso shows works by the international artists group 'Pittori uniti per la Pittura' founded by her.

Gallery UNO shows the Installation 'Growing Light Shadows' by the American artist Aimee Beaubien in at "Virus Art" Gallery in Rome

6. Oktober - 4. November 2018
Travelling artist Flavio Dettbarn at Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin

"backpack house"

Digitalen Arbeiten des südamerikanischen Künstlers Flavio Dettbarn, Buenos Aires


Gallery UNO shows the Installation 'Growing Light Shadows' by the American artist Aimee Beaubien in at "Virus Art" Gallery in Rome

Berlin Art Week
26.September - 30 September 2018

"Prekäre Bewegungen"

26. September bis 30. September 2018

Zur Berliner Art Week 2018 hat Gallery UNO den Projektraum 'Schlaf mit Kunst ' zu Gast.
Mit dieser Initiative unterstützt Gallery UNO speziell jene Kunsträume Neuköllns, die der Gentrifizierung weichen mussten. 'Schlaf mit Kunst' wurde 2005 von der Künstlerin Friederike Hamman gegründet, die bereits mehrmals in Gallery UNO ausgestellt hat. Zusammen mit dem Berliner Künstler Markus Kohn, der ebenfalls mit Gallery UNO zusammenarbeitet, zeigt sie zur Berliner Art Week
die Gegenüberstellung einer grossräumigen Installation von Markus Kohn und ihrer kleinformatigen Reisenotizen auf den Routen Europas. Beide Werkkomplexe sind inspiriert von Situationen und Stationen des modernen Individualverkehrs, seinen Absurditäten, Herausforderungen und Sehnsuchtsmomenten.

Gallery UNO shows the Installation 'Growing Light Shadows' by the American artist Aimee Beaubien in at "Virus Art" Gallery in Rome

July 2018 - SUMMER SHOW 2018 in Rome

After the great success at the Art Festival Berlin 2018, Gallery UNO shows the Installation 'Growing Light Shadows' by the American artist Aimee Beaubien in Rome

Exhibition from July 5 to 21, 2018

Gallery UNO shows the Installation 'Growing Light Shadows' by the American artist Aimee Beaubien in at "Virus Art" Gallery in Rome

48 Std. Kunstfestival Neukölln Freitag, 22.Juni bis Sonntag 24. Juni 2018
Arbeiten von Diane Thodos (USA) Thema "Neue Echtheit"

Ausstellung im Rahmen des Kunstfestivals 48 Std. Neukölln

Ausstellung am 22., 23. und 24. Juni 2018

Gallery Weekend Berlin, Samstag 28 und Sonntag 29. April 2018

Franco Durelli: Graffi(a)ti - Non è STATO l’uomo nero -
Arbeiten auf Carta Paglia 2017-2018

Während des Gallery Week-Ends und Paper Positions Berlin April 2018 zeigte Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin Arbeiten des italienischen Künstlers Franco Durelli

Ausstellung am 27., 28. und 29. April 2018

Ausstellung: J. Christoph Siedenschnur, Berlin, Holzarbeiten

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin beteiligt sich an den Offenen Ateliers Neukölln mit Arbeiten des Künstlers J. Christoph Siedenschnur im Dialog mit der grossräumigen Installation der amerikanischen Künstlerin Aimee Beaubien

Ausstellung am 20. und 21. Januar 2018

Weihnachtsausstellung: Pittori Uniti per la Pittura | Vereinigte Künstler für die Malerei

Die Gruppe 'Pittori Uniti per la Pittura', eine internationale Wanderausstellung aus Rom, zum zweiten Mal Gast bei Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin mit demThema 'Landschaften' im Wirkungsbereich der Künstler und ein Omaggio an den Künstler, der die beteiligten Künstler beeinflusst hat.

Ausstellung am 17. Dezember 2018

Aimée Beaubien, USA: 'Grow Light Shadows'

Kunstfestival 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN 2017 'Shadows'

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin beteiligte sich zum vierten Mal offiziell am Kunstfestival 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin

Die Installation von Aimee Beaubien ist noch bis Frühjahr 2018 in der Galerie zu sehen

Zur Berlin Art Week 2017 zeigte Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin die Ausstellung 'INSEKTEN'.

Jessica Slominski Berlin - Malerei Markus
Kohn Berlin - Objektkunst
Yen-Hua Lee Taiwan - Keramik

Mittwoch, 13. Sept. bis Sonntag, 17. Sept.

CHINATSU IKEDA Arbeiten auf Papier

Anlässlich des Gallery Weekends und parallel zur Ausstellung PAPERPOSITIONS im Bikini-Haus präsentiert Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin neue Arbeiten der japanischen Künstlerin Chinatsu Ikeda.

Vernissage: Freitag, 28. April, 18-21 Uhr
Gallery Weekend: Samstag und Sonntag, 29. und 30. April, 11-19h


Die Ausstellung HOMO LUDENS - FROM RED TO BLUE wird noch bis zum 28. Mai gezeigt.

BROKERS IN TEARS Friederike Hammann (Malerei)

DANGEROUS HEARTS Dzahid Filipovic (Skulptur)

Gallery Weekend:
Freitag 28. April 2017, 18-21h / Friday April 28, 6-9 pm

Samstag und Sonntag 29. und 30. April 2017, 11-19h
Saturday and Sunday April 29 and 30, 11 am-7pm

Jessica Slominski - Arbeiten auf Papier

Samstag, 14.1.2017 und Sonntag, 15.1 2017

Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin beteiligt sich an den "open studios" Neukölln mit einer Ausstellung der Malerin Jessica Slominski

Pittori Uniti per la Pittura | Vereinigte Künstler für die Malerei

11. bis 16. Dezember 2016

Vom 11. Dezember bis 16. Dezember 2016 hat Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin die Gruppe „Pittori Uniti per la Pittura“ zu Gast. Die Ausstellung – eine Serie von kleinformatigen Selbstportraits – wurde von der italienischen Künstlerin Laura Grosso zusammengestellt. Die Ausstellung kommt direkt aus Rom. Von den Berliner Künstlern beteiligen sich Sonja Blattner, Magda Kaufmann, Jessica Slominski und Alexander von Agoston

Vernissage: 11. Dezember 2016


Während des Unframed Festivals Neukölln zeigt Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin Arbeiten der afghanischen Künstlerin Rada Akbar.

Die Ausstellung wird von der Gruppe Unframed Festival - www.unframedfestival.de - organisiert und bis zum 9. Dezember gezeigt.
Öffnungszeiten nach dem Festival: jeden Samstag von 14-18

Berlin Art Week 2016

Die Galerie zeigt die Arbeiten von Sunme Lee, Korea, und Barbara Hashimoto, USA,

Barbara Hashimoto: 'The Opposite of SATT', Junkmail-Installation, 2016
Sunme Lee: 'It's you', Installation aus gebrauchten Brillenglaesern, 2015

Photo Miyuki Yamamoto


June 2016
48Std Neukoelln at Gallery UNO Projkektraum:
Barbara Hashimoto, USA - participates with a new installation to the Festival with the theme "SATT" (Full)

The Festival starts on Friday, June 24th with the Opening and will last until Sunday, June 28th.
The Installation will also be part of the Berliner Kunstwoche - 13th September - 18th  September

Shows April-May 2016
Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin beteiligt sich an der XPositions Gruppenshow 'Paper Positions' im Bikini Haus Berlin

vom 28. April bis 14. Mai, mit Arbeiten der Kuenstlerin Aimee Beaubien, USA



Zum Berlin Galeriewochende vom 29.April bis 1. Mai zeigt Gallery UNO Projektraum Arbeiten von Mikko Heino, Finland, Roland Kulla, USA, Laura Grosso, Italien, Miyuki Yamamoto, Japan Chris Reilly (Video), USA

February 2016
Dialogue of installations

Light Installation by the artist Dietrich Burmeister (Berlin) in dialogue with the eyeglass-installation by Sunme Lee (Seoul)

December Show 2015
Artist List

Gallery artists accepted at the Tokyo International Artfair 2015, at Amsterdam International Artfair 2015 and at the upcoming Oxford International Artfair February 2016

Sunme Lee
It's You - Used Eyeglasses Installation
Korean artist based in Berlin

Piero Chiussi
Italian artist based in Berlin

Senad Alic
Bosnien-Herzegowina based in Berlin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
June 2015 — August 2015
the show is part of the event ' S.O.S Art Saves the World', Berlin 2015

Simone Elsing
German artist based in Berlin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
March 2015 — May 2015
the show is part of the event '26Positions' on the Berlin Gallery Week-End 1 - 3 May 2015

Miyuki Yamamoto
Daydream German artist based in Berlin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
December 2014 — January 2015

Sonja Blattner, Doris Kollmann and Luisa Landsberg
Mit heissen Nadeln

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
May 2014 — August 2014

Raushan Togabayeva
Mixed Media

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
February, 2013 — April, 2014

Rie Kuroda

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
November, 2013 — January, 2014

Blaz Kutin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin

Gallery Uno Berlin
Installation and Photography

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin

Crissis Vici
Abstracts 2012 - 2013

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin
September, 2013 — March, 2014

Yvette Kaiser-Smith
Charting e

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October, 2013 — January 2014

Gallery Uno Chicago – Summer Show 2013

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 1, 2013 — August 31, 2013

Sun Choi
Embracing of Mark

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
April 12, 2013 — May 30, 2013

Polly Yates

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
March 1, 2013 — March 30, 2013

Matthew Schaefer and Janet Trierweiler
Going to Work

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
February 1, 2013 — February 28, 2013

Hans Pfleiderer
Was zu tun ist - Zwanzig-Zehn

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Berlin, Germany
November 2012 — March 2013

Coppice – Noé Cuéllar & Joseph Kramer
Vinculum (Passes)

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December 2012 — January 2013

Matthew J. Schaefer and Janet Trierweiler
Between You and Me

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
November 1, 2012 — November 30, 2012

Nicole White
The Surround

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
September 1, 2012 — September 31, 2012

Jinyoung Joung
Following Ideograms

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
August 23, 2012 — August 31, 2012

Katherine Jost
Here and Now

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
July 31, 2012 — August 20, 2012

Nikkole Huss
National Natural

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 1, 2012 — June 23, 2012

Yvette Kaiser-Smith
Yvette Kaiser-Smith at Jenoptik Gallery, Jena, Germany

Showing at Jenoptik Gallery, Jena, Germany
April 1, 2012 — August 1, 2012
Curated by Huber & Treff

Jeannine Baldomero
Jeannine Baldomero at Gallery UNO Berlin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery UNO Berlin, Berlin, Germany
April 30, 2012 — May 31, 2012

Roland Kulla - Claus Haensel
Roland Kulla and Claus Haensel at Gallery UNO Berlin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery UNO Berlin, Berlin, Germany
September 1, 2011 — April 30, 2012

Katherine Doyle
Memoriam I-IV

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
May 1, 2012 — May 31, 2012

Matthew Groves

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
April 3, 2012 — April 30, 2012

Annalee Levin
...to a company that made something

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
March 9, 2012 — March 31, 2012

Mie Kongo
I Saw the Light Was On

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
February 3, 2012 — February 29, 2012

Yvette Kaiser-Smith
Etudes from Pi

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December 1, 2011 — December 31, 2011

JungPyo Hong
Unique Reproduction

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
November 5, 2011 — November 30, 2011

Christian Rieben
Meat for the Siren

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October 7, 2011 — October 31, 2011

Yong Hyun Chung
Clay meets Light

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
September 2, 2011 — September 25, 2011

Katherine Yost

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
August 1, 2011 — August 31, 2011

Nikkole Huss
Atmospheric Interventions

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 27, 2011 — July 23, 2011

Chris Reilly
Score for a Robot

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 1, 2011 — June 30, 2011

Sun H. Choi
Nostalgic Memory II

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
May 1, 2011 — May 28, 2011

Sam Jaffe
With All You've Got, As Fast As I Can

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
April 8, 2011 — April 30, 2011

Bo Kim
Ambiguity between the Real and Virtual

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
March 3, 2011 — March 31, 2011

Saya Da Jung
Cube Beyond Cube

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
February 5, 2011 — February 28, 2011

Kelley Schei

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December 10, 2010 — January 29, 2011

Karen Azarnia
Caught Between

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
November 5, 2010 — November 30, 2010

Aimée Beaubien
Found and Found

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October 6, 2010 — October 31, 2010

Soo Shin
Weaving as Human Relationship

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
September 10, 2010 — October 2, 2010

Jason Gabriel Smith
Workbench: TOTEM

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
August 2, 2010 — August 30, 2010

Chris Lin

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
July 9, 2010 — July 23, 2010

Charles Mahaffee

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 4, 2010 — June 26, 2010

Bastien Desfriches Doria
Scènes de Genre

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
May 3, 2010 — May 29, 2010

Uisuk Byeon
Peace River

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
April 5, 2010 — May 2, 2010

Seung Yun Shin
No End

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
March 5, 2010 — March 31, 2010

Amanda Joy Calobrisi

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
February 12, 2010 — March 4, 2010

Brooke Barnett

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
January 8, 2010 — February 5, 2010


Ryan B. Richey and Chris Lin/Hannis Pannis

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December 4, 2009 — December 31, 2009


Corinne Halbert
Penetrating the Vein

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
November 13, 2009 — December 27, 2009


Katherine Jost
Way Down and Back Up Again

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October 1, 2009 — October 31, 2009
Represented by ARTexhibitionLink - Gallery UNO at Berliner Liste 2009


Rana Siegel
A Situation Among Parts

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
August 7, 2009 — August 29, 2009


Taylor Hokanson and Chris Reilly
The Definition of Is

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
July 10, 2009 — August 1, 2009


JE Baker

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 1, 2009 — June 30, 2009


Barbara Wakefield
Ann Guilford

Barbara Wakefield at Berliner Liste 2009


Christian Rieben
Friend of Dorothy

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
April 1, 2009 — April 30, 2009


Sarah Kaiser
Conversations: a Comic Relief

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
February 1, 2009 — March 1, 2009


Nikkole Huss

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December 12, 2008 — January 31, 2009

Noelle Allen
Lattice and Tension

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
November 1 — November 30, 2008


Monica Herrera and David Stewart
Veins of the City

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October 1 — October 31, 2008


Jennifer Towner
I Heart Ann

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
September 4 — September 30, 2008

JE Baker and Barbara Wakefield
dia L O G ue

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
July 1 — August 31, 2008

Ryan Richey

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 1 — June 30, 2008

Sunah Yun
Self Inflicted

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
May 1 — May 31, 2008

Ricardo Harris-Fuentes
Recent Work

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
April 1 — April 30, 2008

Myeongbeom Kim

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
March 1 — March 31, 2008

John Zilewicz

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
January 1 — January 31, 2008

Johannah Silva

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December 1 — December 31, 2007

Chris Reilly
Fool's Gold/Polyamory

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
November 1 — November 30, 2007

Elise Blue
Aesthetic and Terror

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October 1 — October 31, 2007

Shauna Angel Blue
The Nightingale Queen

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
September 4 — September 30, 2007

David Criner

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
August 10 — August 26, 2007

Christopher Cannon
Infected Placebo

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
July 5 — August 5, 2007


Christian Rieben
Octopussy – how to make a painting

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
June 5 — July 5, 2007


Shencheng Xu
The Garden of Eden

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
May 5 — June 5, 2007

Deanna Krueger

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
March 9 — April 14, 2007

Yen-Hua Lee
Lovers Project

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
January — February, 2007

Nikkole Huss
Patterns of Flight

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
October – November, 2006

Taylor Hokanson
Unauthorized Repairs

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
December, 2006

Christine Prinz
Masterpiece Remakes

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno
and Finestra Art Space
, Chicago, USA
September 2006


Stock Exchange
Cameron Crawford
Mark Galley
Brian Getnick
Noe Kidder
Ryan Swanson
Evan Stewart

Six Self-Curated Summer Exhibitions at Gallery Uno, Chicago, USA
May 5 – August 31, 2006


Carrie Notari
Aphrodite Series

Showing at Gallery 24, Paris, France
May 19 – May 31, 2006

Supported by the
Illinois Arts Council

David Cottingham

Showing at Salon Privé Arti Visive, Rome, Italy
May 5 – May 15, 2006


Graffiti Stories
Carrie Notari
Mural Photographs
Brian Getnick
Graffiti Drawing
Yvette Kaiser-Smith
Abstract crocheted wall sculpture

Showing at Hyunnart Studio, Rome, Italy
October – November, 2005

Showing at Gallery 24, Berlin, Germany
December, 2005

Supported by the
Illinois Arts Council

Carrie Notari
Aphrodite Series

Showing at Gallery 24, Berlin, Germany
December, 2005

Supported by the
Illinois Arts Council

Franki Austin
Edges of Space

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno
and Finestra Art Space
, Chicago, USA
March 2006

Paolo di Capua
Ice / Fire

Showing at ArtExhibitionLink's Gallery Uno
and Finestra Art Space
, Chicago, USA
February 2006

David Cottingham

Showing at Finestra Art Space, Chicago, USA
September 2005

Laura Grosso
Painting Yesterday's World Today

Showing at Finestra Art Space, Chicago, USA
August 2005

Oan Kyu

Earlier than Writing
Showing at Finestra Art Space, Chicago, USA
July 2005

Marina Haas

Showing at Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago, USA
July/August 2004

Doris Frohnapfel
TLP – Norway and Wittgenstein

Showing at Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago, USA

Images and text copyrighted by ArtExhibitionLink © 2006. All Rights Reserved.