March 2019

'Omaggio alla Grecia'

Event at the 'Artexhibitionlink Artists Studio' in Rome

Evento: 'Omaggio alla Grecia' 30. Marzo 2019
Christos Bintoudis Prof. in Letteratura neo-greca at Artists Studio Rome

'We are all Greeks' a famous phrase of the English Poet Percy Shelly -  'our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts, all have their roots in Antique Greece'.

Laura Grosso and Anthony Lombardi, two contemporary artists based in Rome, will show the work they created during their stay in Greece as guests of the Art Park Rhodes founded by the artist Damon Papakiriakou.
Anthony Lombardi furthermore will show some of his Icons and give a talk  on the practice of icon painting, a technique that exists since the  Early Christian era .
Chryssis Vici, a painter based in Rome  with his roots in Greece, will show his recent work inspired by his native country.
From  Artexhibiionlink's Gallery UNO, Berlin, Friederike Hammann will show her small size plastic 'The Spoon of King Midas' referring to a well known tale in Greek Mythology.
This work was part of the very successful exhibition 'Brokers in Tears' at Gallery UNO in April 2017 with works by Friederike Hammann and the sculptur Dzahid Filipovic.
Both artists will be present at  Artists Studio Rome during Roman Art Week  - 21st -26th October 2019 -  with works from their last exhibition at Gallery UNO, 'HOMO LUDENS'.
Furthermore, the Greek artist Annamaria Potamiti  who is part of the group Pittori  uniti per la Pittura  founded by  the artist Laura Grosso is participating with some of her latest work on the theme Greece.
As always the exhibition will be enhanced by several  cultural events.

Friday, 29th March 2019, 6 to 9 pm -OPENING-

Short talk by Prof. Ivo Bomba , Art Historian and  Docente at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma
Laura Grosso reads from the book 'Conversazione su Tiresia' by Andrea Camilleri
Anthony Lombardi gives a short talk on his Icons part of the exhibition

Saturday, 30th March 2019, 6 to 8 pm
Special event of the Greek community in Rome: 'Quando la Liberta diventa Poesia'.

The event takes place on the occasion of the day of Greek Independence.
Prof. Christos Bintoudis will give an introduction on the theme Independence and Freedom  in Greek Poetry.
Reading of some neo-greek  poetry accompanied by a violinist and a cantante.
Selected works will stay at Artists Studio Rome during the summer months and can be seen again on up-coming events to be announced.


